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The Not So Sunny Side of Solar

There's not always positive affects about solar energy. Solar power is used all around the world. It does not produce any harmful pollutants. It is completely safe but very expensive. Photovoltaic cells (PV) absorb sunlight. PV cells were first used in the 1950s on satellites. Solar cells power satellites in space. In March 1958, the U.S launched the world's first PV powered satellite. 

Even though it is used all over the world it is still costly. Although the sunlight used is free the way we collect that light gets quite expensive. Studies show that solar power is two times more expensive than wind and as much as four times as much expensive as natural gasses. The cost for one solar panel is about $6,600- $10,500 depending on the size. Most people pay about $237- $710 to fix a solar panel. The high cost to fix it is about $824. Lowest cost is $125. Solar panels also requires rare metals such as tellurium.Another problem is that you can only use solar power during the day because it uses the sun. This creates another financial  problem because you would need to both make more solar panels and make
something that will store this energy, so that you can use the energy even when the sun isn't out. Because of this most people think of solar power as a supplemental energy and this makes less people choose to use solar power and that makes it likely that eventually people will not use solar power and that studies on solar power might stop.
By: A & T