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The Dirt on Coal

After doing some research we discovered a few things it seems coal forgot about. Like the fact that the gases released from burning coal tends to turn into liquid ammonia. Some other byproducts of coal are CO2 and sulfur which pollutes the atmosphere and creates holes in the ozone layer letting in harmful sun rays. You may say thats not too bad. But that just gives you a reason to ignore it until it becomes a serious problem. Plus coal is one of the leading reasons for acid rain. But thats not all coal also degrades farmland making it nearly impossible to farm on that land again. 

Another problem that coal creates is it can also cause pollutants, coal tar can be created if coal is heated. The tar can release bad gases and then it creates unbreathable air. Coal also cost money to ship. The working conditions of the mining is very dangerous and can be harmful. The accident rate of coal mining has increased a lot over the year. Although coal is a natural resource it can run out and then we would have no coal energy which makes it non-renewable.

With all of these reasons why would you even consider using coal while it has all of these negative drawbacks. You may start out thinking hey coal’s a great idea give the guy who thought of using it a promotion because it’s cheap. But as time goes on you’ll eventually realize that choosing coal was a horrible idea because now you can’t farm on the land and you air is full of CO2 causing lots of health problems. Coal is not a clean alternative and can be very harmful and bad for your lungs. When cleaned it is soaked in chemical waters which can be very bad for us when the chemicals are released into the air while it’s burning. Coal contains iron sulfide which is a dangerous chemical that can harm you.

By N & A

Nuclear Energy-Good OR Bad?

Even though Nuclear energy may be the best and can meet our worlds needs sometimes Nuclear energy can be bad for the environment. Nuclear Energy results from a reaction that takes place in the nucleus of an atom. After World War 2, Nuclear reactors were used primarily for research and plutonium production in the beginning. Two main types of Nuclear reactions that release energy are known as fission and fusion. Nuclear fission occurs when the nucleus of an atom is split apart into two smaller nuclei. With all the good things about Nuclear energy there may be many bad things about it.
      Nuclear energy has many factors that make it one of the world's best energies, but with these pros there are several cons as well. One main con is that if the Nuclear power plants were to break nuclear waste would create a devastating catastrophe in the city or town that the plant is located in. With this extremely uncommon problem comes the second con which is that Nuclear power plants are potential terrorist targets. Nuclear power plants are full of dangerous waste and if terrorist planes were to fly into the power plants the dangerous chemicals would be released into the surrounding area. Another problem that cities have to deal with is that Nuclear power plants are only operational for a few years. After the power plants go out of business the
power plants are permanently shut down.  The multiple bad things in this document is just a quarter of how many good things there are about nuclear energy. Even though there are only a couple bad things they are the
most dangerous and harmful. Altogether nuclear energy can be good or bad.
By: ML & G

Geothermal Energy- Is it Safe?

No, It’s not. It can release Hydrogen Sulfide into the air, which is the smell of actual rotten eggs. This will damage air quality of a town or a city in minutes. In order for new Geothermal advancements to go into place, several million dollars will have to go into place. Geothermal energy plants can also cause earthquakes, which can prove to be a large danger to any town or city nearby. To access the vast majority of this energy, the Earth’s crust needs to be drilled for extreme distances, which can be dangerous. Also, unlike Nuclear and fossil fuel plants, Geothermal Energy can’t be transported to generation sites. Maintenance of Geothermal Power Plants requires extreme care and caution as the water traveling through the piping is insanely heated. This means that any turbine, heat exchanger, or pipe maintenance
can be extremely dangerous to people and machinery, making this form of energy incredibly unsafe. Geothermal sites need to be in a very specific location, in regions where subsurface conditions are advantageous, and this is something that cannot be manipulated. Major metropolitan areas, such as Atom’s Center, isn’t good for a Geothermal Power Plant to be.  Geothermal Energy has proven to be an incredibly dangerous form of energy. It’s incredibly expensive, it can cause earthquakes, and take human lives due to superheated water. The needs of Geothermal Energy is at its peak. The Power Plants need to be at incredibly specific locations. For example, a geothermal power plant would need to be near a geyser or natural pool. There would have to be an extreme amount of funding to be able to dig deep enough to get a good source. Geothermal plants can emit dangerous chemicals like sulfur dioxide, silicon, and ammonia. In order to use a geothermal plant, an extra power source is needed to power the geothermal pump. Large pieces of land are required to house a single geothermal plant, which can alternatively be used for farming or housing. Geothermal power plants need to have properly maintained reservoirs. This information continues to show the faults within Geothermal Energy.While there are some upsides for geothermal energy, there are more downsides. While initial costs may start cheap, they will eventually get more and more expensive. Good spots for geothermal energy may be easy to find, for example, a geyser would work. However, it will be very costly to build and manage a geothermal plant at the location. While geothermal energy is cheap to receive, it only creates $0.03-$0.10(according to a geothermal presentation from the Think Tank) worth of energy at a time, which will make regaining money extremely lengthy and difficult. An energy such as wind is better than Geothermal, wind has no chance at releasing chemicals, wind is very cost-effective, and is simply one of the easiest and best sources of energy
By: M & T

The Not So Sunny Side of Solar

There's not always positive affects about solar energy. Solar power is used all around the world. It does not produce any harmful pollutants. It is completely safe but very expensive. Photovoltaic cells (PV) absorb sunlight. PV cells were first used in the 1950s on satellites. Solar cells power satellites in space. In March 1958, the U.S launched the world's first PV powered satellite. 

Even though it is used all over the world it is still costly. Although the sunlight used is free the way we collect that light gets quite expensive. Studies show that solar power is two times more expensive than wind and as much as four times as much expensive as natural gasses. The cost for one solar panel is about $6,600- $10,500 depending on the size. Most people pay about $237- $710 to fix a solar panel. The high cost to fix it is about $824. Lowest cost is $125. Solar panels also requires rare metals such as tellurium.Another problem is that you can only use solar power during the day because it uses the sun. This creates another financial  problem because you would need to both make more solar panels and make
something that will store this energy, so that you can use the energy even when the sun isn't out. Because of this most people think of solar power as a supplemental energy and this makes less people choose to use solar power and that makes it likely that eventually people will not use solar power and that studies on solar power might stop.
By: A & T

Hydroelectric Energy: Not as Good as it Seems?

There are many things to worry about when you are creating energy with hydroelectricity. Things like if the dam breaks or the sand can start to decrease the populations on the fish that would live there. Many more things can go wrong that can affect the community.
This type of energy costs a lot of money to deal with. This can also cause a lot of droughts in the town. Another thing is that it can change the water and its physical features. Around the world not many countries use this energy form. Hydroelectric energy releases a lot of methane and carbon dioxide.This happens because the plants and trees will start to decompose by another way without using oxygen, so this type of decomposition will release methane and carbon dioxide creating more and more pollution. This will lead to a large amount of pollution in the water harming the wildlife in and around the body of water. Also dams, which hold the water, are very expensive to build. The amount of energy that is created can depend on the amount of rainfall that is produced because in order for it to work there needs to be a lot of water. Once dams are not used anymore they can not be taken out or broken because it would cause serious flooding.
Hydroelectric energy can be a dangerous and scary energy to have, seeing as a dam could break and flood a whole city/town. So is having this energy really worth it?
By:S & S

The CONS of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Energy

After collecting data and interviewing Hydro Energy Inc. on their plans for WBD City with Hydrogen Fuel Cell Energy, it is easy to say the form of energy will not help and is not beneficial for our beloved town. Questions may be asked why we are so biased, but evidence shows that Hydrogen Fuel Cell energy is not the right option. After reading many articles on the good and bad things about Hydrogen Energy it became very clear. Without many of the supporting evidence, Hydrogen energy seems like a good idea. It’s an energy that is clean, simple, and renewable. But, there are many flaws in almost every stage of developing and the production of this form of energy, not to mention what could happen when it is active. For example, Hydrogen vehicles that rely on fuel cells are more costly and less advanced than vehicles that use gasoline. Hydrogen also needs to be stored and transported under high pressure due to low energy density, which makes it bulky and impractical. Also to add on to the struggles of the energy is that any Hydrogen that escapes during the production process could erode the ozone layer even further and increase global warming. There are also other examples that prove Hydrogen energy is not beneficial. Hydrogen Energy isn’t used in many places, which isn’t a benefit. Hydrogen may seem like a
good idea but it is expensive, and takes a lot of work to produce. Since it needs to be moved around it is a hard thing to do. Also it is not easy to replace the existing infrastructures. Just imagine trying to be able to get hydrogen then having to pay for it to be moved and then trying to replace it, that’s spending a lot of money. To make this energy you still need to rely on other nonrenewable things such as coal to be able to make the fuel. As you can see Hydrogen isn’t a safe, reliable or inexpensive energy to be using.
In conclusion, Hydrogen Fuel Cell energy has many non-beneficial factors that make Hydro Energy Inc.’s plans seem more like a fantasy than reality.
By: A & D

Wind Swept-The Truth About Wind

Wind energy is efficient concerning the Earth. However wind doesn't blow all the time, it has to stop and when it stops it causes inefficiency to the homes and buildings supported by these windmills. Once the wind stops blowing it stops producing energy, and the buildings being supported by this source will stop producing electricity and things will shut down and stop running. The Windmills can only be pushed and powered if there is more than 7 MPH winds, if the wind power is less than this it will not power and it will stop running which will cause inefficiencies in the homes and not to mention the wildlife.  

Wind turbines are a danger to birds too. About  368,000 birds die from wind turbines.
If there is no wind blowing the birds can make a nest on the turbines and when the wind starts up again and they can be in danger. Also it messes with the migration of birds. They say that they will add some sort of repellant but what if this repellent hurts the wind and creates a chemical reaction in the birds that makes them sick, this can pass through other animals and get us sick.
Yes wind creates energy, but on the other hand, neighboring homes and towns regularly complain of noise. When the turbines are broken down, if the wind keeps pushing the blades it makes a loud banging noise or it can be broken completely and will not function right. Well we can fix it can’t we? No, wind turbines are completely finished when they are broken down, you can not fix them because it would cost too much money to repair than to replace. You also can not replace windmills because they are put into the ground and the process could not happen.
By: B & A

Hydroelectric Energy

Is hydroelectric energy a good thing? What would happen if the dam breaks or cracks? Hydroelectric energy generates 10% of the nation’s energy. Although hydroelectric energy is renewable it is also a very clean energy and it doesn't create air pollution. What will happen when it is put into more cities and towns?
Hydroelectric dams can be built wherever there is some sort of body of water. Also the US is the 2nd largest user of hydroelectric energy. This energy is made by gathering the gravitational force of the moving water. The water turns the turbines and creates energy. Even though hydroelectric energy does not put any toxic byproducts into the air, however rivers can pick up clay and sand and can decrease the amount of fish that would live there. There are many impacts that this energy makes on the area that this is used on.
So lets think about that first question. Is hydroelectric energy really a good thing?  The energy won’t always be used of course. At night everyone is asleep and it doesn’t need to be used. So the process won’t be a constant thing to worry about. So what do you think about this energy? Would you use it in your community?
By S & S

Geothermal Energy- The New Energy?

Geothermal Energy is obtained through being drilled from the ground. The heat and steam that comes from the inner areas of the Earth, are so strong, they can turn a turbine, creating energy and electricity. This is completely natural energy, nature made.
The energy’s creation is dominated by the United States, especially in the San Francisco and California area. Also, Iceland has over 25 active volcanoes, making it simple to produce Geothermal Energy in Iceland. Over 20 countries produce Geothermal Energy as well. This energy is not renewable, because while it is created, the water within is lost to evaporation. The recent technological advancements within Geothermal Energy, especially in the power plants of Geothermal Energy, makes an incredibly sufficient energy.
Can this be THE energy to power our city?
By T & M

Solar Energy

Solar energy is generated by the sun. Basically most energies get there source from the sun. Green plants collect the sunlight and then convert it into water and carbon dioxide. Then people and animals breathe that in and that's where people get there energy from to perform work. The solar energy heats a fluid which powers a small stirling engine that generates electricity. Prices for photovoltaic (PV) cells are decreasing because they are being used more. PV cells go way back and were used in the 1950s on satellites. The efficiency went from 6% to 11% in just a few months. In the early 2000s the contribution of PVs to the global energy supply was growing rapidly. Solar energy does not produce harmful pollutants. Scientist have developed experimental PV cells that convert over 40% of the light that they receive into usable power.
One of the first uses of solar energy was the Roman bathhouses built in the first century which worked like a greenhouse letting sunlight through the south-facing walls. Although we have grown in how we use solar power since the first century scientists  still uses solar power today but known as concentrated solar thermal systems the popularity of solar power has long been based on its economy and as a renewable alternative to the nonrenewable use of fossil fuels to generate electricity. With global warming, the use of solar power has become
even more attractive, as it does not generate carbon dioxide.  A solar panel is made up of many photovoltaic cells. The collective power produced by an array of solar panels, such as are found on a house roof, can supply at least some of the building’s electricity needs. A solar panel is made up of many photovoltaic cells. The collective power produced by an array of solar panels, such as are found on a
house roof, can supply at least some of the building’s electricity needs.  Solar radiation may be converted directly into electricity by photovoltaic cells, or solar cells. In such cells, a small electric voltage is generated when light strikes the junction between a metal and a semiconductor (such as silicon) or the junction between two different semiconductors. The power generated by a single photovoltaic cell is typically only about
two watts.
A & T

Nuclear Energy

Information about nuclear energy: Nuclear power is a valuable source of energy in many places around the world. Nuclear Energy results from a reaction that takes place in the nucleus of an atom. After World War 2, nuclear reactors were used primarily for research and plutonium production in the beginning. Nuclear Energy has been a reliable source of energy in different parts of the world since the 1950s. Two main types of nuclear reactions that release energy are known as fission and  Some pros are that it is available almost anywhere. Also like it said in the information it has no pollution so you can continue living knowing that they’re also giving back to the environment, if you use Hydrogen energy. Some cons are that to be able to use the energy you have to make it which is very expensive to do. Lastly it is highly flammable so while it is in the making process the plants have to be very careful while making so no accidents happen. Hydrogen energy is a very available, reliable source. they’re also giving back to the environment, if you use Hydrogen energy. Some cons are that to be able to use the energy you have to make it which is very expensive to do. Lastly it is highly flammable so while it is in the making process the plants have to be very careful while making so no accidents happen. Hydrogen energy is a very available, reliable source.
By: LL & D

Hydrogen Energy

Everyone has heard of the word hydrogen energy but what is it? Hydrogen is a fuel cell that combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, heat, and water. Fuel cells are often compared to batteries. Both convert the energy produced by a
chemical reaction into usable electric power. Hydrogen is 75% of the earth’s mass so it’s easy to find, although it is only the easiest to find in certain cities. Hydrogen is also odorless, colorless, tasteless and has little to none polluting emissions.
Although Hydrogen energy seems to be a very good thing to use there are also some cons. Some pros are that it is available almost anywhere. Also like it said in the information it has no pollution so you can continue living knowing that they’re also giving back to the environment, if you use Hydrogen energy. Some cons are that to be able to use the energy you have to make it which is very expensive to do. Lastly it is highly flammable so while it is in the making process the plants have to be very careful while making so no accidents happen.
By A & D

The Scoop on Coal

Coal is one of the easiest resources to collect because it can be found on all the continents but is it safe to use? Our research done in the media hub shows that while it is an abundant source of energy it releases lots of harmful things like soot, CO2, and sulfur. It also degrades farmland & creates acid rain. Coal is mainly used to produce electricity for power plants but in the twelfth century it was mainly used to smelt metals.  It is a fossil fuel meaning that it can run out in our lifetime but eventually it would return. Coal is made from plants that have degraded and were compacted by all of the rock. One of the reasons coal releases so much heat energy is because while it was a plant it stored lots of sunlight and when burnt it releases all of the sunlight it had stored. Coal is classified in ranks, or types, according to the amount of heat it produces. The ranks are Lignite, Sub-Bituminous, and Bituminous. Lignite is the softest and it contains the most moisture while releasing the least carbon. Then Sub-Bituminous which has less moisture but releases a little more carbon than Lignite. Then finally there is Bituminous which has no moisture and releases large amounts of carbon.
BY: N and A

Wind Energy

When air is warmed, it rises and is replaced by cooler air, leaving a low-pressure area that causes the movement of air known as wind. Windmills are the big things you see when you drive by a field. Windmills are a device that captures the energy of winds. They way windmills work is that the wind strikes the  the blades of a windmill, causing them to turn, and the solar energy stored in wind is converted to the kinetic energy of moving blades. That energy, in turn, is used to turn an axle, to power a pump, to run a mill, or to perform some other function. The amount of power that can be converted by a windmill depends primarily on two factors: the area swept out by the windmill blade and the wind speed. The questions we ask yourself is how does this contribute to us, and how do we keep the wildlife from hurting themselves on these things, maybe there is no answer or maybe there is. Wind turbines are becoming increasingly efficient, producing great amounts of electricity. Today's massive 40- to 50-story turbines convert kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical energy, while leaving plenty of room on the ground for farming or other activities.
By A & B

Webuiltdis City Energy Referendum

Webuiltdis City Energy Referendum to Take Place on 6/22. Time TBA.