Solar energy is generated by the sun. Basically most energies get there source from the sun. Green plants collect the sunlight and then convert it into water and carbon dioxide. Then people and animals breathe that in and that's where people get there energy from to perform work. The solar energy heats a fluid which powers a small stirling engine that generates electricity. Prices for photovoltaic (PV) cells are decreasing because they are being used more. PV cells go way back and were used in the 1950s on satellites. The efficiency went from 6% to 11% in just a few months. In the early 2000s the contribution of PVs to the global energy supply was growing rapidly. Solar energy does not produce harmful pollutants. Scientist have developed experimental PV cells that convert over 40% of the light that they receive into usable power.
One of the first uses of solar energy was the Roman bathhouses built in the first century which worked like a greenhouse letting sunlight through the south-facing walls. Although we have grown in how we use solar power since the first century scientists still uses solar power today but known as concentrated solar thermal systems the popularity of solar power has long been based on its economy and as a renewable alternative to the nonrenewable use of fossil fuels to generate electricity. With global warming, the use of solar power has become
even more attractive, as it does not generate carbon dioxide. A solar panel is made up of many photovoltaic cells. The collective power produced by an array of solar panels, such as are found on a house roof, can supply at least some of the building’s electricity needs. A solar panel is made up of many photovoltaic cells. The collective power produced by an array of solar panels, such as are found on a
house roof, can supply at least some of the building’s electricity needs. Solar radiation may be converted directly into electricity by photovoltaic cells, or solar cells. In such cells, a small electric voltage is generated when light strikes the junction between a metal and a semiconductor (such as silicon) or the junction between two different semiconductors. The power generated by a single photovoltaic cell is typically only about
two watts.A & T