Everyone has heard of the word hydrogen energy but what is it? Hydrogen is a fuel cell that combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, heat, and water. Fuel cells are often compared to batteries. Both convert the energy produced by a
chemical reaction into usable electric power. Hydrogen is 75% of the earth’s mass so it’s easy to find, although it is only the easiest to find in certain cities. Hydrogen is also odorless, colorless, tasteless and has little to none polluting emissions.
Although Hydrogen energy seems to be a very good thing to use there are also some cons. Some pros are that it is available almost anywhere. Also like it said in the information it has no pollution so you can continue living knowing that they’re also giving back to the environment, if you use Hydrogen energy. Some cons are that to be able to use the energy you have to make it which is very expensive to do. Lastly it is highly flammable so while it is in the making process the plants have to be very careful while making so no accidents happen. By A & D